Current News

Logistics masterpiece for the 2023 Rugby World Cup
“Condor’s teams were requested at the last minute during the summer vacation and managed to deliver the training equipment to all 20 national teams on time. We are proud of…

How We Deliver Aid Supplies to Ukraine
Whether it’s hospital equipment, clothing, or food, due to the war, Ukraine is in need of everything! And while all of Europe is eager to help and provide the essentials,…

How to get an entire bakery to Russia
Grupo bimbo’s bakery in Russia is built using factory components supplied from all over the world: A logistical challenge of the highest order. Project duration of over 1 year; more…

A logistical challenge: Presenting Austrian specialties at the Figure Skating Championships in Minsk!
As next year’s host city, Graz hoped to score with the crowd at the European Figure Skating Championships in Minsk by offering authentic Styrian specialties. But, considering the numerous customs-related…

Full throttle through the desert! But first, how does the rally car even get to Kazakhstan?
Congratulations to team Hunt / Delaunay for an excellent 7th place! Stephane Robineau, Condor Nantes und Alexander Bolschakov, Condor Moscow

How to turn East Siberia’s tallest peak into a hit film.
»In transporting the camera equipment, Condor was tasked with handling all the customs formalities – the perfect chance to put the Condor team’s know-how of complex transport to good use.«…

Condor promotional film awarded the Salzburg Prize for Advertising.
»We loved the design and implementation of the advertising concept for our company from the very beginning. All the better, then, to find out the professional world gave it such…

With Red Bull Extreme Sailing to Success.
»Ensuring a hassle-free transport of special equipment to Russia can almost be considered craftsmanship.« Andreas Gfrerer, CEO Condor Salzburg, Austria

How do you move a factory to Russia?
»By anticipating and carefully planning the documents that might be necessary, we were effectively able to prevent delays.« Condor, SALZBURG, AUSTRIA

How do instruments go on tour?
»For Bösendorfer, we delivered an antique grand piano to St. Petersburg.From the pick-up to the right paperwork to the transport temperature, everything has got to be perfect. « Pavel Kovalevsky,…

How does the Austrian National Team gear up for a game?
»Condor was even asked by other logistics firms for their expertise to get the camera equipment of several TV stations through Russian customs quickly and securely.« Andrey Gorbulin, Moscow, Russia

How we helped Audi battle the Russian cold.
»The import and export of high technology is no simple task partly because of arms regulations.« Condor, SALZBURG, AUSTRIA