Transport Insurance: Is it really worth it?
Transport insurance provides protection against the financial consequences of damage to goods in cases where the liability of the carriers would be insufficient.
Should transported goods get damaged or perish completely, it often appears that the liability for the damage for the transport company is either restricted by maximum limits or not paid out due to negligence issues. Understandable, as it would otherwise be barely economically viable for logistics companies if they would bear the weight of financially accountability for every single product damaged, even if through no fault of their own. That is why liability by the carrier is calculated using the weight and volume of goods and, to put it simply, requires a certain form of culpable behaviour. To ensure that any damage is fully covered, purchasing one’s own transport insurance is essential! Usually the goods transported are insured against all risks, whether the damage is caused by fire, natural disasters, theft or the like. In addition, transport insurance usually has fewer requirements regarding the packaging of goods than the transport industry does. Damage during loading and unloading of goods can be fully secured, an area in which liability is often not covered by the transport industry. In short, transport insurance that tailors to your specific requirements can cover the entire transport process, from sender to recipient. In case of damages, the insurance company will usually provide coverage and only afterward clarify the question of liability and, where appropriate, transfer it to the carrier – for the loading agent in this case, the matter has already been resolved!